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Hirschmann Gecko 8tx Endistriyèl Ethernet Rail-switch

Kout deskripsyon:

Hirschmann Gecko 8tx se lite jere endistriyèl Ethernet tren-switch, Ethernet/Fast-Ethernet switch, magazen ak pi devan mòd oblije chanje, fanless Design.ecko 8tx-8x Fe TX, 12-24 V DC, -40-+60°C.

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Deskripsyon pwodwi

Kalite: Gecko 8tx


Deskripsyon: Lite jere endistriyèl Ethernet tren-switch, Ethernet/Fast-Ethernet switch, magazen ak pi devan mòd oblije chanje, fanless konsepsyon.


Nimewo pati: 942291001


Kalite pò ak kantite: 8 x 10Base-T/100Base-TX, TP-kab, RJ45-Sosyete, oto-travèse, oto-negosyasyon, oto-polarite


Kondisyon pouvwa

Vòltaj opere: 18 V DC ... 32 V DC


Konsomasyon pouvwa: 3.9 W


Pouvwa pwodiksyon nan BTU (IT)/H: 13.3


Kondisyon anbyen

MTBF (Telecordia SR-332 Nimewo 3) @ 25°C: 7 308 431 H


Presyon lè (operasyon): min. 700 hPa (+9842 pye; +3000 m)


Tanperati opere: -40-+60°C


Tanperati depo/transpò: -40-+85°C


Imidite relatif (ki pa kondansasyon): 5-95 %


Konstriksyon mekanik

Dimansyon (WXHXD): 45,4 x 110 x 82 mm (w/o blòk tèminal)


Pwa: 223 g


Mounting: DIN Rail


Klas Pwoteksyon: IP30



Iminite entèferans EMC

EN 61000-4-2 Egzeyat Electrostatic (ESD): 4 kV egzeyat kontak, 8 kV egzeyat lè


EN 61000-4-3 jaden elektwomayetik: 10 V/m (80 MHz - 1 GHz), 3 V/m (1,4 GHz-6GHz)


EN 61000-4-4 FAST TRANSIents (pete): 2 kV liy pouvwa, 2 kV done liy


EN 61000-4-5 vòltaj vag: Liy pouvwa: 2 kV (liy/latè), 1 kV (liy/liy), 1 kV done liy


EN 61000-4-6 fè iminite: 10 V (150 kHz-80 megaèrts)


EMC emèt iminite

EN 55032: EN 55032 Klas A


FCC CFR47 Pati 15: FCC 47CFR Pati 15, Klas A



Sekirite nan ekipman kontwòl endistriyèl: cul 61010-1


Dimansyon livrezon ak Pwodwi pou Telefòn

Pwodwi pou Telefòn nan lòd separeman: Rail pouvwa ekipman pou RPS 30, RPS 80 EEC oswa RPS 120 EEC (CC), aliye Pwodwi pou Telefòn


Dimansyon livrezon: Aparèy, 3-PIN blòk tèminal pou vòltaj la ekipman pou ak baz la, sekirite ak fèy enfòmasyon jeneral



Atik # Lèt
942291001 Gecko 8tx


Modèl ki gen rapò

Gecko 5tx

Gecko 4tx

Gecko 8tx

Gecko 8tx/2SFP

Gecko 8tx-pn

Gecko 8tx/2SFP-PN

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