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Hirschmann M-SFP-LH+/LC EEC SFP émetteur

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Hirschmann M-SFP-LH+/LC EEC se sfp fiboptic gigabit Ethernet émetteur LH, pwolonje ranje tanperati

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Pwodwi: Hirschmann M-SFP-LH+/LC EEC


Deskripsyon pwodwi

Kalite: M-SFP-LH+/LC EEC, SFP émetteur LH+


Nimewo pati: 942119001


Kalite pò ak kantite: 1 x 1000 mbit/s ak LC Connector


Gwosè rezo - Longè kab

Single Mode Fib (LH) 9/125 µm (Long Coursement resèpteur): 62 - 138 km (bidjè lyen nan 1550 nm = 13 - 32 dB; a = 0,21 dB/km; d = 19 ps/(nm*km))


Kondisyon pouvwa

Vòltaj opere: ekipman pou pouvwa via switch la


Konsomasyon pouvwa: 1 w



Dyagnostik: Opinyon optik ak pouvwa pwodiksyon, tanperati resèpteur


Kondisyon anbyen

Tanperati opere: -40-+85°C


Tanperati depo/transpò: -40-+85°C


Imidite relatif (ki pa kondansasyon): 5-95 %


Konstriksyon mekanik

Dimansyon (WXHXD): 13.4 mm x 8.5 mm x 56.5 mm


Pwa: 30 g


Mounting: Plas sfp


Klas Pwoteksyon: IP20


Estabilite mekanik

IEC 60068-2-6 Vibration: 1 mm, 2 Hz-13.2 Hz, 90 min.; 0.7 g, 13.2 Hz-100 Hz, 90 min; 3.5 mm, 3 Hz-9 Hz, 10 sik, 1 oktav/min.; 1 g, 9 Hz-150 Hz, 10 sik, 1 oktav/min


IEC 60068-2-27 chòk: 15 g, 11 ms dire, 18 chòk


Iminite entèferans EMC

EN 61000-4-2 Egzeyat Electrostatic (ESD): 6 kV egzeyat kontak, 8 kV egzeyat lè


EN 61000-4-3 jaden elektwomayetik: 10 V/m (80-1000 megaèrts)


EN 61000-4-4 FAST TRANSIents (pete): 2 kV liy pouvwa, 1 kV done liy


EN 61000-4-5 vòltaj vag: Liy pouvwa: 2 kV (liy/latè), 1 kV (liy/liy), 1 kV done liy


EN 61000-4-6 fè iminite: 3 V (10 kHz-150 kHz), 10 V (150 kHz-80 megaèrts)


EMC emèt iminite

EN 55022: EN 55022 Klas A


FCC CFR47 Pati 15: FCC 47CFR Pati 15, Klas A



Sekirite nan ekipman teknoloji enfòmasyon: EN60950


Kote danjere: depann sou switch deplwaye


Konstriksyon bato: depann sou switch deplwaye



Garanti: 24 mwa (tanpri al gade kondisyon ki nan garanti pou enfòmasyon detaye)


Dimansyon livrezon ak Pwodwi pou Telefòn

Dimansyon livrezon: Modil SFP



Atik # Lèt
942119001 M-SFP-LH+/LC EEC

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