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Hirschmann M-SFP-MX/LC émetteur

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Hirschmann m-sfp-mx/LC se SFP fibroptic gigabit Ethernet émetteur pou: tout switch ak Gigabit Ethernet SFP plas

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SFP Fiberoptic Gigabit Ethernet émetteur pou: tout switch ak Gigabit Ethernet SFP plas
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Deskripsyon SFP Fiberoptic Gigabit Ethernet émetteur pou: tout switch ak Gigabit Ethernet SFP plas
Kalite pò ak kantite 1 x 1000base-lx ak LC Connector
Lòd No. 942 035-001
Ranplase pa M-SFP-MX/LC EEC
Gwosè rezo - Longè kab
Multimod Fib (mm) 50/125 µm 0 - 2 km, 0 - 8 dB lyen bidjè Bei 1310 nm, a = 1 dB/km, b = 500 megaèrts x km
Multimod Fib (mm) 62.5/125 µm 0 - 1 km, 0 - 8 dB lyen bidjè Bei 1310 nm, a = 1 db/km, b = 500 megaèrts x km
Fib sèl mòd (SM) 9/125 µm n/a
Single Mode Fib (LH) 9/125 µm (Long Haultransceiver) n/a
Kondisyon pouvwa
Vòltaj opere ekipman pou pouvwa via switch la
Konsomasyon pouvwa 1 w
Diagnostics opinyon optik ak pouvwa pwodiksyon, tanperati resèpteur
Kondisyon anbyen
Tanperati opere 0 ºC a +60 ºC
Tanperati depo/transpò -40 ° C a +85 ° C
Imidite relatif (ki pa kondansasyon) 10% a 95%
MTBF n/a
Konstriksyon mekanik
Dimansyon (w x h x d) 20 mm x 18 mm x 50 mm
Aliye Plas sfp
Pwa 40 g
Klas pwoteksyon IP 20
Estabilite mekanik
IEC 60068-2-27 chòk 15 g, 11 ms dire, 18 chòk
IEC 60068-2-6 Vibration 1 mm, 2 Hz - 13.2 Hz, 90 min.; 0.7g, 13.2 Hz - 100 Hz, 90 min; 3.5 mm, 3 Hz - 9 Hz, 10 sik, 1 oktav/min; 1g, 9 Hz - 150 Hz, 10 sik, 1 oktav/min.
Iminite entèferans EMC
EN 61000-4-2 Egzeyat Electrostatic (ESD) 6 kV egzeyat kontak, 8 kV egzeyat lè
EN 61000-4-3 jaden elektwomayetik 10 V/m (80 - 1000 megaèrts)
EN 61000-4-4 FAST TRANSIents (pete) 2 kV liy pouvwa, 1 kV done liy
EN 61000-4-5 Vòltaj vag Liy pouvwa: 2 kV (liy/latè), 1 kV (liy/liy), liy done 1KV
EN 61000-4-6 te fè iminite 3 V (10 kHz - 150 kHz), 10 V (150 kHz - 80 megaèrts)
EMC emèt iminite
FCC CFR47 Pati 15 FCC CFR47 Pati 15 Klas A
EN 55022 EN 55022 Klas A
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