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Hirschmann Spider-SL-20-04T1M29999SZ9HHHH switch san danje

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Hirschmann Spider-SL-20-04T1M29999SZ9HHHHIS Spider-SL /-PL Configurator-Spideriii Creole Line (SL) ak liy prim (PL)-Unmanaged DIN Rail Fast /Gigabit Ethernet switch

Fiable transmèt gwo kantite done atravè nenpòt distans ak fanmi an Spider III nan endistriyèl switch Ethernet. Switch sa yo ki pa gen okenn manadjè gen kapasite ploge ak jwe pou pèmèt enstalasyon rapid ak demaraj-san okenn zouti-pou maksimize disponibilite.

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Pwodwi: Hirschmann Spider-SL-20-04T1M29999SZ9HHHH

Configurator: Spider-SL-20-04T1M29999SZ9HHHH


Deskripsyon pwodwi

Deskripsyon Unmanaged, endistriyèl Ethernet tren switch, konsepsyon fanless, magazen ak pi devan mòd oblije chanje, vit Ethernet, vit Ethernet
Kalite pò ak kantite 4 x 10/100BASE-TX, TP cable, RJ45 sockets, auto-crossing, auto-negotiation, auto-polarity 10/100BASE-TX, TP cable, RJ45 sockets, auto-crossing, auto-negotiation, auto-polarity , 1 x 100BASE-FX, MM cable, SC sockets


Plis interfaces

Pouvwa ekipman pou/siyal kontak 1 x ploge nan blòk tèminal, 3-PIN


Gwosè rezo - Longè kab

Twisted pè (TP) 0 - 100 m
Multimod Fib (mm) 50/125 µm 0 - 5000 m (bidjè lyen nan 1310 nm = 0 - 8 dB; A = 1 dB/km; Blp = 800 megaèrts*km)
Multimod Fib (mm) 62.5/125 µm 0 - 4000 m (bidjè lyen nan 1300 nm = 0 - 11 dB; A = 1 dB/km; Blp = 500 megaèrts*km)


Kondisyon anbyen

MTBF 2.286.711 h (telcordia)
Tanperati opere 0-+60 ° C
Tanperati depo/transpò -40-+70 ° C
Imidite relatif (ki pa kondansasyon) 10 - 95 %


Konstriksyon mekanik

Dimansyon (WXHXD) 26 x 102 x 79 mm (w/blòk oterminal)
Pwa 120 g
Aliye DIN Rail
Klas pwoteksyon IP30 plastik


EMC emèt iminite

EN 55022 EN 55032 Klas A
FCC CFR47 Pati 15 FCC 47CFR Pati 15, Klas A



Baz estanda CE, FCC, EN61131


Dimansyon livrezon ak Pwodwi pou Telefòn

Akseswa Rail ekipman pou pouvwa RPS 30/80 EEC/120 EEC (CC), miray plak monte pou DIN Rail Mounting (lajè 40/70 mm)
Dimansyon livrezon Aparèy, blòk tèminal, enstriksyon sekirite

Modèl ki gen rapò


Spider-SL-20-04T1M49999TY9HHH (ranplase Spider 4TX 1FX ST EEC)

Spider-SL-20-05T1999999TY9HHH (ranplase Spider 5TX EEC)










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